Confession Time
The last few days have been rough for me. I felt out of routine and less productive because my daughter was home from school not feeling well.  What I've learned over the last year is that success isn't just productivity. Sometimes I don't feel "enough" or worthy, unless it's tied to productivity. And that's a slippery slope for me!

I've been feeling down the past few days, until I realized that I get to define what success is to me.

Success for me =
💗 Caring for myself and the ones I love
💗 Knowing it's okay to slow down, even in this hustle society
💗 Writing down what I'm grateful for daily
💗 Taking time for a devotional and reflection
💗 Drinking water, moving my body, choosing healthy foods
💗 Reaching out and catching up with a loved one
💗 Planning something to look forward to
💗 Communicating with my family or friends what I need, and accepting help. Last night that looked like a trip by myself to the grocery store so I could get out of the house.
💗 Looking back at how much I've accomplished this past year and being excited about where I'm going. Having peace, joy, and gratitude for where I'm at now. I am blessed!  

I'd love to hear from you in the comments, how do you define success?  Do you have feelings of not being enough?

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