I Became a Stronger Person
On 11/10/09 I became a stronger person. 
15 Years ago

There were many times I didn't feel strong. But on this day each year, I take the time to honor my past and what I've learned from it. I bake myself a cake and celebrate with those I love.  

15 Years ago today, I received the phone call telling me I had cancer. In many ways, I was still a baby. We were ready to start a family, but instead, I started chemo.
It feels like just yesterday. 
And it feels like a lifetime ago. 

I'm grateful to be living this life. I'm grateful to be supporting others who are going through their own hard times.

This cake was the best tasting yet -- made from scratch cake and frosting-- yum!

I invite you to think of a hard time in your life. Can you think of a few ways this hard time also made you a stronger person? If you feel comfortable sharing, post a comment below or reach out to me via email. I love hearing from you!

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