The Timeless Moment: Behind the Scenes

The Timeless Moment: Behind the Scenes
At the beginning of 2024, I put a very scary dream into the short-term future: publish my first book. Over 15 years ago, I turned to writing to help me document and cope with my breast cancer diagnosis. Even before that, I found writing to be my favorite way to communicate. I was always able to articulate my thoughts and feelings better in written form, than verbally.

I didn’t know how I was going to reach this goal of publishing. I didn’t know what the end result would look like. I just had “a knowing” that this year was the time for it.


I Became a Stronger Person

I Became a Stronger Person

15 Years ago today, I received the phone call telling me I had cancer. In many ways, I was still a baby. We were ready to start a family, but instead, I started chemo.

A Full Heart

A Full Heart
I look back at the past few weeks with a full heart at how great it feels to have my book in the world. 

I waited patiently for the first copies to show up on my doorstep. I had envisioned this moment for years, what it would feel like to hold my words in my hands. The books were finally delivered......



This week Brielle and I crossed off another hard 2024 goal that we crushed together!  I was a beaming proud Momma as I watched the determination on ....

Here I sit - Part 2

Here I sit - Part 2
Here I sit, at my writing desk, while staring out the second-story window into our backyard.  

I am home; in my writing room.

Next to me is the new bookshelf I found.  Arranged on the shelves.....


Confession Time

Confession Time
The last few days have been rough for me. I felt out of routine and less productive


The Power of Passion

The Power of Passion
What was I thinking?  A road trip through multiple states over two weeks with my parents and daughter.  Quickly I learned with proper planning and research this would be a magical experience for us all.


Working Through Grief

Working Through Grief
I've had years of working through grief. 
#Writing #poetry #grief #Hope #Faith #northernlights #cancer #MetastaticBreastCancer

National Coaches Day

National Coaches Day
Since today is #NationalCoachesDay, I thought I’d share a little about why I chose to become a coach.