The Timeless Moment: Behind the Scenes

The Timeless Moment: Behind the Scenes
At the beginning of 2024, I put a very scary dream into the short-term future: publish my first book. Over 15 years ago, I turned to writing to help me document and cope with my breast cancer diagnosis. Even before that, I found writing to be my favorite way to communicate. I was always able to articulate my thoughts and feelings better in written form, than verbally.

I didn’t know how I was going to reach this goal of publishing. I didn’t know what the end result would look like. I just had “a knowing” that this year was the time for it.


Wingin’ It?

Wingin’ It?

Are you "Wingin' It" through life?

I know I used to be. I let life happen to me. I was on a hamster wheel and felt stuck in many areas of life. It felt like I didn't have control.....


This week Brielle and I crossed off another hard 2024 goal that we crushed together!  I was a beaming proud Momma as I watched the determination on ....

Dream As If You'll Live Forever

Dream As If You'll Live Forever
"Dream as if you'll live forever
 Live as is you will not see tomorrow" 
                                                                     ~Jared J

I can honestly say, 3 years ago, I wasn't able to live out this quote. With my health circumstances, I found myself worrying a lot about my future. Wondering how many years of living I had left......

I'm officially REAL!

I'm officially REAL!
Yesterday I renewed my driver's license and finally got my Real ID.    

Last night I showed it to Brielle. She looked at the picture and said:

The Power of Passion

The Power of Passion
What was I thinking?  A road trip through multiple states over two weeks with my parents and daughter.  Quickly I learned with proper planning and research this would be a magical experience for us all.