The Timeless Moment: Behind the Scenes

The Timeless Moment: Behind the Scenes
At the beginning of 2024, I put a very scary dream into the short-term future: publish my first book. Over 15 years ago, I turned to writing to help me document and cope with my breast cancer diagnosis. Even before that, I found writing to be my favorite way to communicate. I was always able to articulate my thoughts and feelings better in written form, than verbally.

I didn’t know how I was going to reach this goal of publishing. I didn’t know what the end result would look like. I just had “a knowing” that this year was the time for it.


Stage 4 Ocean: Behind the Scenes

Stage 4 Ocean: Behind the Scenes
Holding my baby, heavy on my chest
Along with more mixed emotions
Than I knew how to express

Looking back now
I still feel her
And everything else that I held

My wish is that my book
Will hold that space for others
As they experience life --

The hard and beautiful moments.

At the same moment that I snapped this picture with my baby, I used my phone to write the poem “Stage 4 Ocean”.  This poem can be found....


Looking Back

Looking Back
It's hard to believe all of these clinic memories were posted on September 22nd throughout the past 8 years.  

Today I looked back at that memory from 8 years ago...
my baby just a toddler......


This week Brielle and I crossed off another hard 2024 goal that we crushed together!  I was a beaming proud Momma as I watched the determination on ....

Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny
We recently moved to a new home; one with a large yard and many plants, shrubs and perennials.  I have never gardened.  In fact, the past few years I didn’t even buy one potted plant because it felt like one more responsibility for me to care for.       ......

Take Note of the Signs in Your Path

Take Note of the Signs in Your Path
Have you experienced times in your life when the stars seem to align and life starts unfolding like the clothes falling out of a laundry basket?  Where you thought you knew how life was going to go, but all of a sudden there’s a detour onto an exciting new path?       ......

Here I sit

Here I sit
Here I sit on the floor in my living room, trying to process the past 20 years, trying to grasp order and structure to the events in my life.  I’m surrounded by my computer, personal journals, index cards, sticky notes, and my favorite felt tip pens in probably 15 different colors.  The scenes are scattered about with themes and threads weaving over and through the 50,000 words I’ve written.

I stop to wonder why I’m always drawn to working at the kitchen table or in this, the adjoining living room.  

Affirmation Card for Cancer Patients

Affirmation Card for Cancer Patients
This Affirmation Card was created by me to support patients going through cancer.

The Power of Passion

The Power of Passion
What was I thinking?  A road trip through multiple states over two weeks with my parents and daughter.  Quickly I learned with proper planning and research this would be a magical experience for us all.


"Have To" Versus "Get To"

"Have To" Versus "Get To"
Sometimes life is really hard.

I'm not referring to the hard where you oversleep and are late for work.  

But instead, the hard where it feels impossible to move.  


"We are Cursed"

"We are Cursed"
 As we back out of the driveway Brielle says, "I think we're cursed". 

Mother's Day -- Let's Be Real

Mother's Day -- Let's Be Real
"You're supposed to listen to your Mom on Mother's Day"   This may have been an exact quote from me yesterday.

Working Through Grief

Working Through Grief
I've had years of working through grief. 
#Writing #poetry #grief #Hope #Faith #northernlights #cancer #MetastaticBreastCancer

Puzzles of Life

Puzzles of Life
I came across this memory today, from April 2020.  The days when most all of us were quarantined to home.  When so much was unknown in each of our lives.

Chemo today..... Hawaii tomorrow

Chemo today..... Hawaii tomorrow
I never thought we'd be taking Brielle to Hawaii. 
       I also never thought I'd be living with metastatic breast cancer. 

As Featured in Area Woman Magazine: The Gift of Fun

As Featured in Area Woman Magazine:  The Gift of Fun
I had the privilege of writing an article for Area Woman Magazine.

11/10/09 Made Me a Stronger Person

11/10/09 Made Me a Stronger Person
11/10/09 made me a stronger person.  

13 years ago today was when I picked up that phone call. 

The Day That Never Happened

The Day That Never Happened
Below is an excerpt from a journal I kept and shared with my family/friends after I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  This particular post was written after I found out my cancer had metastasized.  

Sharing the WHY

Sharing the WHY
I've been realizing lately how important it is to share the WHY with my family.  When I share the why with my daughter, she cooperates and relates more easily. 

The Little Engine That Could

The Little Engine That Could
Today is a big day for me. SEVEN years ago I got the call.   

The 2nd call -- more than 5 years after the 1st time I had heard the words "you have cancer". 

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