Dream As If You'll Live Forever
"Dream as if you'll live forever
 Live as if you will not see tomorrow" 
                                                                     ~Jared J

I can honestly say, 3 years ago, I wasn't able to live out this quote. With my health circumstances, I found myself worrying a lot about my future. Wondering how many years of living I had left.  

Slowly though, as the years passed by, I came to recognize that's exactly what happened.... The years passed by.  

Thankfully I started making small changes and took small actions towards the life that fit me best. Through those daily practices, I gained confidence in myself. I started trusting my heart while quieting the loud voices in my head and around me. Before I knew it, big changes were happening.

 I was now present for my family. I had the energy again to move my body and cook healthy meals. I worked through cancer trauma with my psychologist. I learned how to better manage my emotions and how to help my young daughter work through her emotions. 

 I was no longer constantly fearing death. I was living again.  

If you can relate to not knowing how to dream, I get it. This post is for you; just a little sprinkle of Hope for you today. You don't need to look 3 years into the future for what you want. Start with just one small thing that you can do today for YOU.  

Maybe it's something as small as:
  • 1 minute of silence and focusing on your breath
  • taking a short walk
  • reaching out to a friend to schedule that overdue coffee date
  • immersing yourself in your favorite song
  • taking out a journal and writing 
  • maybe it's hijacking some art supplies from a child in your life and doodling
Start small, and build from there. Before you know it, the life you couldn't even Dream up, will be yours. 

I'd love to hear from you in the comments.  What small thing will you do today for YOU?
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1 Comment

  1. Christina Sticka-Jacobs  07/03/2024 02:25 PM Central
    What a great list of suggestions Janell! Thank you! I am in awe of how far you've come in three years. You are certainly a testament to small changes making huge shifts. Cheers to your continued dreaming and living!!

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