The Little Engine That Could
Today is a big day for me. SEVEN years ago I got the call.   

The 2nd call -- more than 5 years after the 1st time I had heard the words "you have cancer". 

I knew this time was different. I was now stepping into a new world. A world that few can understand or relate to. 
This time the odds were stacked against me like nothing before. It added words like terminal, metastatic and life expectancy. 

This time I had so much more to live for. 

This time I knew that the average life expectancy with this diagnosis was 36 months. I knew this because I was witness to friends who had gone before me on this journey.  

My baby was days away from being 4 months old. The math didn't add up. I looked at her little face. Statistics would tell me I wouldn't be here to see her 4th Birthday. How many birthdays would I get to see? 

Just thinking of that day, I feel the sweat come over me. My heart pounds and breaks, like I'm right back there. Tears roll down face. 

More than ever, I am truly grateful for each day. For each moment. I am grateful for the huge hug my baby gave me this morning. She was unknowing of the impact this very day has on our lives.  

Since that day I've tried my best to live in the moment. To create memories with my family. To leave a legacy for when I am no longer here. 

I AM The Little Engine That Could. I'm gaining momentum up that huge mountain and the peak has never felt more promising.  

There will be valleys and I know our little family could be derailed off the tracks at any moment. But I'm no longer dwelling on that. 

I'm thanking God every day for the gifts he leaves me. I'm listening to Him more than ever and singing His praises. 

My mission in life is to serve & inspire others so that they can heal & grow. 

Please feel free to share this with someone who could use a little Hope.  If that's you: Try not to focus on the stats against you. Focus on one day, one hour, at a time.  Keep climbing that mountain. Be that Little Engine That Could. Lean in and feel the hard emotions when you need to. Celebrate the tiny victories. You've got this. I'm cheering you on and climbing with you. 

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