What's your hobby?
Do you have a hobby, that when you’re doing it, you get completely lost in it?  

When all of a sudden you look up and realize an hour has passed?

Or maybe this hobby takes away your anxiety, your fears, or your stress.

I learned that writing is all of this for me.  

Whenever I had a life-changing experience, I’d find myself putting pen to paper so that I could process it. I wrote diligently after my cancer diagnosis as a way to process my feelings and to help sort out the choices I had to make along the way. Years later, it was through journaling that I finally realized I had to get past my fears and move forward with exploring the option of a gestational surrogate.

Looking back now, I’m able to see that when I didn’t make time for writing my mental health and well-being suffered.
When I make time to write, I can come back to my family refreshed and ready for fun.
If you can’t think of a hobby that gives you similar positive outcomes, I challenge you to make the time to explore what one could be for you. Try something that can challenge you; where you can be actively using your mind or body.

I can tell you that the success you’ll feel when you find and thrive with that hobby, will be so rewarding.
Reach out to me if you'd like some ideas on how to find a new hobby.
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1 Comment

  1. Diane Rozenberg  02/05/2024 10:18 PM Central
    You impress me so much and I am so proud of you and everything you have gone through! I always look forward to reading things you post. Your family is so blessed to have you and I know you are very blessed having them. You are truly an inspiration. I’m lucky to have known you all these years even though I don’t see you anymore. ♥️
    Janell Meier AUTHOR  04/02/2024 11:44 AM Central
    Diane, thank you so much for your kind words. I am blessed to have my family; and support from you and others like you. Thanks for following along and sharing that you are inspired.

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