"We are Cursed"
It was an early morning for Brielle and me. Every 3 weeks I visit the local cancer center so that I can get my chemotherapy infusion. This morning, we are running late. We get into my vehicle to race there. I push in the brake and hit the start button. "Key not detected".  I dig in my purse, find my keys and try again. Still "Key not detected'.  
Brielle looks at me with panic in her eyes. She starts coming up with ideas of how we can solve this problem, “Maybe we can take Daddy’s Jeep? Maybe our neighbor can drive us?” 
Just as my dashboard is instructing me, I hold up the key and try again. Still, it won't start. Now the horn starts beeping. I frantically push buttons on the key fab, trying to make it stop. 
I take a deep breath. 
The horn stops beeping. I get the idea to press the auto start button on the key fab I've been holding all along. That works! My car starts!
Brielle jumps into the backseat, only to realize her carseat isn't there. I jump out, grab her carseat and put it in. As we back out of the driveway Brielle says, "I think we're cursed". 
I tell her that I think all the bad things have happened to us already today. From here on, we're going to have a great day.  
We drive a few blocks and we think we see our neighbor stopped at the red light in front of us. Soon we see waving hands. I pull up next to them so we can wave and smile. The simple gesture is what we needed today. I tell Brielle, "see we're not cursed anymore!"
At the cancer clinic, Brielle drops her playing cards all over the floor. She picks them up, but they keep falling out of her hands. Now we’re giggling about it. Brielle expresses again that the curse is back. Yet, I remind her again that we're not cursed. 
Where have you experienced "Key not detected", even when you knew you were staring at the exact key needed?  How did you react?  How did it affect the rest of your day?
What in your life feels like a curse right now?  Can you look at it again?  Is it really a curse? Can you troubleshoot and move forward in a different way?  
I guarantee, there are many people that would be happy to trade your curse, for theirs.  

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